IIT Hyderabad will organize a special lecture by Dr. Yuichiro Takahashi , Okayama University, with the following detail. Simultaneously, another lecture entitled “Thyminato-Bridged Cyclic Tetranuclear Rhodium(III) Complexes Incorporating a Sodium, Calcium or Lanthanoid Ion as a Template Metal Core” by Dr. Takayoshi Suzuki, Okayama University will be held as well.
Date | 1st November 2017 |
Time | 14:00-15:30 |
Venue | Room 414 (Academic Block A) |
Title | Application of genetically engineered photosynthetic reaction center to construction of chloroplast solar and chloroplast hydrogen generator |
Speaker | Dr. Yuichiro Takahashi Professor at Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, and Faculty of Science, of Okayama University |
Photosynthesis is a multi-reaction process by which CO2 and H2O are converted into organic compounds using light energy. The reaction center is the site where light is harvested and is converted into redox energy. Since light is unstable and can be harmful to photosynthetic organisms, a number of proteins and cofactors such as chlorophylls and carotenoids are highly organized the reaction center as a multi-protein complex. Our research projects are; (1) to investigate the structure-function relationship of the reaction center complex by the methods of biochemistry, molecular biology, and biophysics, and (2) to generate chloroplast-solar-battery and chloroplast-hydrogen-generator using genetically engineered reaction center complex.